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Vital Signs Online: Auto Industry in Turmoil, but Chinese Production Surges

The year 2009 was one of deep crisis for large parts of the world’s automobile industry, with production and sales that plunged in many countries, factory closings, job loss, and a reshuffling of the leading producers. Production of passenger cars and light trucks declined 13 percent, and sales dropped 6 percent, from 66.2 million light vehicles in 2008 (and the previous peak of 69.4 million in 2007) to 62.4 million in 2009.

Read: Auto Industry in Turmoil, but Chinese Production Surges by Michael Renner 

Traditions Old and New


Religion, rituals, and taboos are all huge parts of the world’s cultures. The wisdom of elders and farming practices also play big roles in many societies. Find out how these and other traditional norms and practices can be harnessed to transform the current culture of consumerism into one of sustainability. This and other chapters from State of the World 2010 are now available for free download.

Read: Traditions Old and New by Gary Gardner, Robert Engelman, Julie Aubel, Albert Bates, and Toby Hemenway
Purchase: State of the World 2010: Transforming Cultures—From Consumerism to Sustainability. Complete report with endnotes can be purchased in print, PDF, and Kindle formats.

Forest Carbon Scheme Gains Support

The Copenhagen Accord, a non-binding document drafted by Brazil, China, India, South Africa, and the United States at the summit in the Danish capital, is the first international agreement to recommend that financial resources support REDD. But much progress is needed before payments can effectively protect forests.

Read: Forest Carbon Scheme Gains Support, Faces Hurdles by Ben Block

Blogs This Week

Nourishing the Planet:
The Value of Organic Farming: On the Farm and In the Marketplace by Danielle Nierenberg

Transforming Cultures:
Forget Dollars, We’ll Take Your Potomacs Please by John Mulrow

Dateline: Copenhagen:
An Arctic Arms Race by Alex Woodson

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